Watch My Free Masterclass: Get Out Of Crazy Busy & Find Joyful Success:

Watch My Free Masterclass: Drop the “Good Girl” and Find Joyful Success

How Smart Women Get Out of CRAZY BUSY,

Break Free from Being the Good Girl & Find Joyful Success

(without stepping back or impacting the career you worked so hard to achieve)

For Badass High-Performing Women

How Smart Women Get Out of CRAZY BUSY,

Break Free from Being the Good Girl & Find Joyful Success

(without stepping back or impacting the career you worked so hard to achieve)


NOTE: Don't need this section only have one offer at this time.


You’re Crazy Busy. We get it!

I Bet You've Asked Yourself: Will I Ever Be or Do ENOUGH?

You have the amazing job, beautiful family, friends...BUT you wonder when will you ever feel real joy. You have always had this "I can, so I should" attitude, but you are left feeling exhausted and empty. We both know that the burned-out woman doesn't get that promotion.

The good news is it is never too late to have the life you want.

We can help.

The truth is Work-life Balance is the BIGGEST LIE ever. Yet every woman believes it is the only road to a happier life. Living on a constant hamster wheel feeling more overwhelmed than ever and questioning whether to step back or out of the careers they worked so hard to build.

The fact, is you are focused on the wrong thing! Once you learn how to balance YOU, and not the Work-life Balance BS, everything will change.

Learn The Healing Power Of NO.

You're a victim to never saying no and feel you're at the mercy of everything outside yourself. You tell yourself, "Say yes, be the good girl," but just can't keep everyone happy forever. You are endlessly exhausted. It doesn't have to be this way. Learn to stop wanting to be liked and start being respected.


Mom Of Two & Runs Two Businesses

There’s a better way...

We teach Crazy Busy Women a step-by-step process to take back control of their lives, stand in their power and create a legacy and path to Joyful Success without sacrificing their dreams, priorities or life! We stand with you teaching you tools, providing accountability and mindset support to take action and create extraordinary life.

Welcome to our site. Have a look at our About page. Click on our Success Stories page and meet some of the people we’ve worked with.

And when you’re ready, click below to watch our FREE training about the exact process we use to help our clients get out of CRAZY BUSY and find Joyful Success… without stepping back or out of the career they worked so hard to build.

Welcome to

Let's Do This!!

Marie Garvey


It Is Time To Stand In Your Power.

Let's face it, everything in life and work is a power exchange and too often Crazy Busy Women are giving away their power. Afraid of letting someone down, being a team player no matter the cost, and silencing their voice to not be too difficult. The truth is you are sending a loud message that you are a doer and not a leader. It is time to step into your power!


Vice President Talent Acquisition & Mother Of Two

JProject Marketing Executive


Stopped Blaming Time & Took Control Of Her Life

I was running ragged, stressed out, my hair was falling out and I knew there had to be a different way to get through life. Thanks to Marie I have stopped blaming time and now I decide what goes on my calendar. I am no longer getting through life, I am living and thriving in my life.


Vice President, Brand Marketing & Single Mom

Left Guilt & Shame Behind

Marie created a program that is a compass for your life. For too long I was living in shame and guilt exhausting myself trying to be everything for everyone. I lost myself. Now for the first time in my life I am living my life on my terms, happy, saying No and going after my dreams.


Interior Designer & Mother of 4

Dreaming More Achieving More

I've done tons of life coaching before and none gave me the sustainable change this program has. I finally have my self-confidence back – Marie gave that to me! And, now I am no longer working 80+ hour weeks, I have boundaries, self-care, dreams and fun!


Marketing Executive